Posted by : Unknown Monday, 27 June 2016


Subsequent to each thematic lecture, students are required to submit a synopsis in the form of reaction paper. Its aim is for the students to read a selected reading in relation to the theme that has been discussed in class for the week and submit a reaction paper of the text. There will be a total of 4 synopses. 

A reaction or response paper requires the writer to analyze a text, then develop commentary related to it. It requires thoughtful reading, research and writing. It should identify the key points highlighted in the text and then focus on your personal perspective on issues raised through the text. In addition to your personal perspective, you should identify experiences or insights that have shaped your perspective. 

Project (A) : The Image of the City Introduction Students are required to present an in-depth and analytical research study on the designated topic. Students are to explore the image of a city based on Kevin Lynch’s most famous work, The Image of the City (1960). The project consisted of 2 parts; the first is to identify Lynch’s 5 elements; path, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks within a selected city and the second part is to produce an essay with a cognitive mapping of the city.

Project (B) : An Illustrated Essay with A Cognitive Mapping

The project requires students to create cognitive mapping of selected significant urban spaces in the city of KL to understand one’s perception and spatial behaviour in cities today. Using the cognitive map students are required to present a critical understanding of emerging contemporary urbanism in KL city spaces (in relations to Kevin Lynch notions of imageability and how it influences people’s perception of the city. Mapping should contain: human facets (memory, identity etc.), spatial and temporal dynamics (traffic, people’s paths, barriers, etc.), architecture (stairs, benches, trees, etc.), microstructures (texture, material) in an illustrated essay.

THEORY from Stanley Jia Cheng


this project is interesting, walking the whole site alone and analyse the site alone, which is different from the previous project. I sense the difference while walking through the whole site and know more on the character of the site which base on my own perception, which is very useful.
I had learned the  Kevin Lynch  concept and some self studied analysis method through out this project.

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