Posted by : Unknown Monday, 27 April 2015


import plan

build the part and made it group

arrange the group

roof part, group up all part

arrange and finish 

project 2A

2016 updated:

1.importing model

2.assigning material

3. arranging the material into  a folder

4.setting up vray camera

Final Renders:

PhotoShop Touch Up:

1.import raw file

2. cropping, adding environment , smarting object when done (safty)

3.adding human figure, cropping


Project 2B

2016 updated:

1.assigning materials

2. arranging the material into  a folder

3.insert vray lighting

4.inserting lighting component

5. assigning materials for decorations and lighting components

6. setting up vray camera


Photoshop Touch Up:

1.import raw file

2.adding human firgue, cropping, smarting object when done (safty)

3.adding display, resale, cropping


project 3

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